viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

The surprise

Last weekend my cousin from Barcelona came to visit us. Some days before, she had warned that she had a surprise which maybe we don’t like. My sister and I thought that she was talking about a new pet because our little cousin loves unusual animals. So we decided to bet. I bet for a big rabbit and my sister said she bet for a snake.
We were right that the surprise was a pet but, we were both wrong about the type of animal.  Finally, she arrived at our house and we could see what it was. She opened her hand and… it was a chameleon!  We were so surprised!
It was tiny with a large tail. Furthermore with his big eyes seemed that it was watching you all the time.  Moreover, my cousin told us it fed itself with live crickets and when it is thirsty, she has to give it running water.

Although, it doesn’t need too much attention because it just needs sunshine and a plant to stay. 

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