martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Self-evaluation of your oral presentation

Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...? We use a PDF.

Are there just key words to explain your message? We put only the key words.
Are you looking at your audience most of the time? Yes.
Are you reading occasionally from your notes? I only read when I got nervous.
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance (chronological order), with different parts? Yes, we organized the ideas in order.
Do you introduce new information to your audience? Yes, we explain first the introduction and finally we do the conclusion.
Is your information detailed and comprehensible? We chose the most important information and we used comprehensible words.
Do you give/show examples? We show some pictures about her and her family.
Do you know how to pronounce all your words? I tried to pronounce well the words, but I know that in someone I pronounce wrong.
Dou you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? Some interruptions because I was nervous.
You are your teacher! :-) FINAL MARK: 9

 2- Think :-) : What have you done well ? What do you need to improve? I thing that we do a good project because we tell the most important things about her life. But I need to improve a lot my pronunciation.

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Sanit Valentine's Day

ESL Vocabulary Quiz: HOLIDAYS
Valentine's Day (February 14)

Welcome to our new collection of exercises designed to help you practice English while learning about holidays. Some of these holidays are observed in all of the English-speaking world, while others are only celebrated in specific countries/regions. For each blank space, choose the correct reponse. If both responses are acceptable, choose the one that sounds more natural. Good luck!

1. Valentine's Day is a holiday that celebrates romantic (romance/romantic) love - a day when lovers express their feeling for each other, often by exchanging gifts.

2. Chocolate, flowers, and jewelry are all typical (typical/topical) Valentine's Day presents.

3. The most traditional gift on this day is a Valentine's Day card (card/note), which has a written message saying how much someone means to you.

4. Other modern symbols are the heart-shaped outline (shape of a heart) and the figure of Cupid, usually shown shooting his bow to inspire (make/inspire) romantic love.

5. Many couples go out on romantic dates (dates/meetings) on Valentine's Day.

6. An example of the above is a candlelight (candlelight/candle-burning) dinner in a romantic restaurant.

7. When a boy asks you to be his "valentine", he wants you to simply accept (except/accept) the fact that he likes you. Sometimes this can also mean that he wants to spend (make/spend) time with you on Valentine's Day.

8. A sweetheart (sweetheart/sweet-tooth) is a slightly outdated term meaning "the one I love".

9. If you're buying your loved one a dozen (dozen/twelve) roses, it means you're buying her/him 12 roses.

10. Wow! What a beautiful bouquet (bucket/bouquet)! ( = arrangement of flowers usually given as a present). 

Complete the crossword:

Doing this exercise I have learned some new words like candlelight, sweetheart and bouquet.

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Love song

SUPERMAN- Joe Brooks

This song talks about the singer feelings, he feels in love but he can't tell her because he is afraid for her answer. When she walks near him it makes him feel so small. He tells us that she is perfect for him, he says that it's like she is from some other world. He says that if he were a superman he'd fly her to the stars but he isn't a superman so he hopes her to like him as he is. This love is romantic and a bit tragic because he loves her but he can't tell, he is shy. But it's romantic because he describes the girl like the best person on the world and he says that for her he can have everything.