lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

Correction improvement

c/ Ter, 3
25005 Lleida
25th March, 2008

White House
Washington D.C.

Dear Mr Obamma,

I am writing to you because yesterday I saw a documentary which talked about one young man who was shot in your country. He explain that he picked up  one friend of him and that friend shot him in a “complicated” zone where there were not police neither ambulances so he felt down. One neighbour came across him and asked for help.
Two years later, that boy decided to do the documentary and he narrates that he had spent the worst two years of his life. He lived with fear, he can not travel with a public transport and also he did not trust anybody.
I would like you to consider these questions:  where were the police in that moment? And, how could someone shoot someone else in the middle of the street? That boy, as many in the rest of the world, feels insecure and there is a human right which defends the right to be secure. I would like to know why, depending on the zone, is not there the enough security for the people who live there?

Yours sincerely,

Tura Puig

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