domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Things to stop doing to yourself

I have just read an article written by Marc and Angel which expose a list of 30 things to stop doing to yourself. I really enjoy reading it and for that I have decided to talk about it. Also I recommend you to read the whole article because it is amazing and also it helps you to improve your view about life. If we stop doing all these things I’m sure that people will have a better life. 

Most of the things written in the list are obvious and also everyone has heard them at least once but it is important to remember them daily. Some of them are: stop spending time with the wrong people, stop running from your problems, stop trying to be someone you’re not, stop being scared to make a mistake, stop rejecting new relationships just because old ones didn’t work, stop worrying so much, stop being ungrateful, stop lying to yourself, stop trying to compete against everyone else or stop being jealous of others. These are the most common ones because as I said before, everyone has heard them and try to stop doing once in live.

But I would bring out some of the ones which I have never thought them that I should stop doing to myself. The first one is to stop putting your own needs on the back burner, the second one is to stop trying to hold onto the past because you can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one. The third one is to stop thinking you’re not ready And last but not least, we have to stop trying to make things perfect because perfect things don’t exist. 

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